Monday, November 29, 2004

Ten out of Ten Terrorists Support....

I bet you won't hear this on Fox News tonight,

"You can elect Bush, Kerry or Satan himself, it doesn't matter to us," he said. "What's important to us is the U.S. policies toward Muslims."

Bin Laden's right hand man made this statement in a video released today. So maybe just maybe, now that we have the exact words from the mouth of a Head terrorist, conservatives will take town those insultingly moronic bumper stickers that read, "ten out of ten terrorists support Kerry". I won't hold my breath.

For the record: I have been watching quite a bit of Fox News lately, don't ask me why, and seriously...if I didn't read other news sources, or watch any other news stations... I would believe wholeheartedly in the following things,

1. Bush is the Man, Kerry was an immoral sissy.
2. The U.N. sucks and has never done anything of value for anyone.
3. Tom Delay has never done anything wrong. EVER!! GOT IT!!!(this one is truly amazing)
4. Iraq is going just as planned.
5. The French are as bad as the terrorists.
6. There isn’t a single religious liberal.

The channel of Political Record, Fair and Balanced.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Revisionist History

The conservative readers of this site have taken issue with my stance on the Civil Rights movement and have even gone so far as to say,

"Republicans were the ones who fought slavery and passed the Civil Rights Bill."

I thought it would be helpful to examine a few quick facts, and give them a, "better view of historical events."

Its is true that behind Senator Dirksens leadership, a majority of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Its also true that this Act was introduced by LBJ, a Democratic President.

It is also true that in July of 1964 the Republican Party held its National Convention and nominated for president Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, an outspoken opponent of the Act. So while a large number of the northern Republican Senators did in fact vote for the Civil Rights Bill, their party as a whole was undeniably opposed to it. Why else would they give the nod to one of the most outspoken critics of the Act.

In 1964 Incumbent Democratic president Lyndon Johnson easily defeated Senator Goldwater in large part because of his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Goldwater did carry a few states, so lets take a detailed look at the states that voted for him. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.(and his home state of Arizona...thats it!)

These were all states opposed to the integration of African Americans, and all states that opposed the Civil Rights Act. How can you possibly square these facts with your absurd notion that it was the Republican party who stood up and fought for Civil Rights. At the most critical moment in the movenments history, the Republican candidate was on the wrong side. In actuality it was individuals in both parties that fought this injustice, but it was undoubtedly the Democratic party which took the lead in this movement.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Words of Wisdom

To all the defeated, downtrodden, self-loathing Democrats, Charles Pierce leaves us with this,

"...anybody who thinks 51 percent is license to end the progressive income tax, chloroform Social Security, create a permanently troglodytic federal judiciary, invade Teheran, and generally take the national polity back to the 1890's is betting heavy behind a low pair. Don't fold. Don't call. Raise."

He's couldn't be more right.

"Roll up your sleeves and do what you can. Talk to your neighbors. Call or write your elected officials. Volunteer to help in political campaigns. Circulate petitions. Attend meetings. Protest. Run for office. Support good candidates who are running for office. Register people to vote. Reach out to the young and the apathetic. Raise money. Stay informed. And vote, vote, vote - every chance you get.

Democracy is a breeze during good times. It's when the storms are raging that citizenship is put to the test. And there's a hell of a wind blowing right now."

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Wedge Issues

Peter Beinart has this to say about the backalsh from the Republican victory:

"For Democrats, the moment presents two dangerous, and opposing, temptations. The first, which will appeal to the party's practical wing, is to pander furiously to the culturally conservative voters who gave Bush his margin of victory…

But cultural sensitivity is one thing; principle is another… gay marriage is different…The fact that it is widely unpopular cannot obscure the fact that it is morally momentous and morally right. Liberals once lost elections for supporting civil rights as well and now look back on those losses as badges of honor. Eventually, since young people are far more tolerant of homosexuality than their parents, gay marriage will stop hurting Democrats at the polls. Until then, the party should try to win elections on other issues--and look forward to the day when conservatives apologize for trying to deny yet another group of Americans their full human rights."


AL-QAQAA UPDATE:The latest on al-Qaqaa from Mark Mazzetti of the Los Angeles Times:

"In the weeks after the fall of Baghdad, Iraqi looters loaded powerful explosives into pickup trucks and drove the material off the Al Qaqaa ammunition site, according to a group of U.S. Army reservists and National Guardsmen who said they witnessed the looting.

...."We were running from one side of the compound to the other side, trying to kick people out," said one senior noncommissioned officer who was at the site in late April 2003. "On our last day there, there were at least 100 vehicles waiting at the site for us to leave" so that they could come in and loot munitions.

"It was complete chaos. It was looting like L.A. during the Rodney King riots," another officer said."

There is footage of the weapons when we arrived, and now we have soldiers talking about the weapons after we left.....WHAT MORE DO PEOPLE NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

George Bush:The Unabridged Edition

I'm speechless...

"As Mo Udall once put it, the people have spoken, goddamn them.

They showed up. The Republican base, that is. The people who believe that their marriages are threatened by those of gay people, the people who believe there were WMD in Iraq and that Saddam waved a hankie at Mohammed Atta, the people who believe His eye is on every embryo. They all showed up, and there are more of them than there are of us. This was a faith-based electorate and, for whatever reason, their belief was stronger than our reality. This is a country I do not recognize any more.

I don't know this country's mind any more, let alone its heart...

You wanted this guy. Now you have him, unleashed."

--Charles Pierce


I hope you're happy America,

"there goes the planet....."

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

EXIT POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kerry 45 48 42 60 52 51 51 50 58 52 49 57
Bush 55 51 57 40 48 48 47 48 40 43 49 41


This are prelimary poll numbers!!! DONT GET OVER CONFIDENT GO VOTE!!!

Judgement Day

GET OUT AND VOTE!!!! By all indications voter turnout is off the charts. Reports have citizens across the country standing in line 2 and 3 hours to cast their ballot. VOTE!!

Im going to continually update today with stories from around the country, the first of which is courtesy of the American Prospect:

VOTER SUPRESSION WATCH: PHILLY EDITION. Fearing the record number of UPenn Students who registered to vote in this election [read: likely Democrats], nefarious agents of voter supression have circulated a flyer around UPenn’s Philadelphia campus warning students that voting might jeapordize their financial aid.

Hat Tip to reader KB who alerted us to this Daily Pennyslvanian report:
A flyer with a doctored Chicago Sun-Times news story is circulating on campus telling students that if they vote in Pennsylvania they will lose any grant money from their home state.

The document cites an altered Associated Press story about a student from Pennsylvania, which was changed to say that the student registered to vote in the state. The story asserts that students from out of state lose grant money if they vote in Pennsylvania.

In fact, students who register and vote in Pennsylvania will not lose state grant money, regardless of where they are originally from.

The first paragraph of the actual AP story reads as follows: "Some college students from Pennsylvania who plan to vote Nov. 2 will do so at their own financial peril. That is because students who go to school out of state and register to vote on campus lose their eligibility for Pennsylvania state grant money."

The doctored flyer changes the first paragraph to read: "College students in Pennsylvania who plan to vote on Nov. 2 will do so at their own financial peril. That is because students who go to school out of state and register to vote on campus lose their eligibility for home state grant money." (emphasis added)

Classy, eh?

The actual Sun Times article is here.


WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY...voter suppression goes against the very notions of liberty that this nation was founded upon.

If anyone should run into any problems at the polls, call this number for assistance: (866) OUR-VOTE