Words of Wisdom
To all the defeated, downtrodden, self-loathing Democrats, Charles Pierce leaves us with this,
"...anybody who thinks 51 percent is license to end the progressive income tax, chloroform Social Security, create a permanently troglodytic federal judiciary, invade Teheran, and generally take the national polity back to the 1890's is betting heavy behind a low pair. Don't fold. Don't call. Raise."
He's couldn't be more right.
"Roll up your sleeves and do what you can. Talk to your neighbors. Call or write your elected officials. Volunteer to help in political campaigns. Circulate petitions. Attend meetings. Protest. Run for office. Support good candidates who are running for office. Register people to vote. Reach out to the young and the apathetic. Raise money. Stay informed. And vote, vote, vote - every chance you get.
Democracy is a breeze during good times. It's when the storms are raging that citizenship is put to the test. And there's a hell of a wind blowing right now."
Mahoney-here's another article for you. In today's lesson you can learn about the Oil for Food Scandal that your beloved UN is entrenched in, but the media basically ignores...
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