Monday, November 29, 2004

Ten out of Ten Terrorists Support....

I bet you won't hear this on Fox News tonight,

"You can elect Bush, Kerry or Satan himself, it doesn't matter to us," he said. "What's important to us is the U.S. policies toward Muslims."

Bin Laden's right hand man made this statement in a video released today. So maybe just maybe, now that we have the exact words from the mouth of a Head terrorist, conservatives will take town those insultingly moronic bumper stickers that read, "ten out of ten terrorists support Kerry". I won't hold my breath.

For the record: I have been watching quite a bit of Fox News lately, don't ask me why, and seriously...if I didn't read other news sources, or watch any other news stations... I would believe wholeheartedly in the following things,

1. Bush is the Man, Kerry was an immoral sissy.
2. The U.N. sucks and has never done anything of value for anyone.
3. Tom Delay has never done anything wrong. EVER!! GOT IT!!!(this one is truly amazing)
4. Iraq is going just as planned.
5. The French are as bad as the terrorists.
6. There isn’t a single religious liberal.

The channel of Political Record, Fair and Balanced.


At November 30, 2004 at 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do I begin...

Well, I was watching Fox News Channel this morning and, low and behold, they reported Zawahiri's quote. I guess they missed their talking points from the RNC today.

Now regarding your specific points on Fox:

1. Bush won the election by three and a half million votes. He was the first candidate since 1988 to win a majority of the votes in the presidential race. His approval rating now stands at 60% last I checked. Perhaps it is your own liberal bias that gives you the false impression that Fox is cheerleading when in fact they are just portraying the truth: Bush is a popular President right now. Might be sad and hard to accept for you, but that doesn't mean it isn’t true. As for your comments about Kerry: Fox is not portraying him as an immoral sissy as much as they are a loser. Which he is. Just ask all the Democratic talking heads who have denounced his candidacy as a failure in the past few weeks.

2. I suppose you’re getting this because Fox actually bothers to report on the Oil for Food debacle - we’re talking about senior UN officials taking bribe money from Saddam Hussein. It’s despicable and it’s enough to make many think the UN does suck, even if it has done things of value in the past. It should be a major story on the news each night. Not a blip on the bottom of the screen of CNN.

3. Laughable. Give me one, single, solitary sentence attributable to Fox that claims Tom Delay has never done anything wrong.

4. Again not true. Fox presents both sides of Iraq. Shockingly, they actually have interviews with some of the American soldiers who happen to have a different view than the elitist talking heads in Washington that have never seen combat! And there are plenty at Fox who acknowledge mistakes in Iraq, including their most prominent personality, Bill O’Reilly, who has said over and over on his #1 watched cable news broadcast that you apparently don’t watch, that Iraq is a mess. I know it’s appalling to you that Fox may present some of the good things that our soldiers are doing like building schools – but it only stands out because the rest of the big media is rather content on focusing almost exclusively on the car bombs in Baghdad and rather than on pictures of our troops passing out soccer balls to children. There’s a reason that you often hear our soldiers talk about how they watch and like Fox News – they believe it presents a clearer picture of what’s actually going on in country. Not all good, certainly, but a steady work in progress.

5. No, the French are not terrorists. They’re sissys. Fox is clear on this.

6. I believe Fox is pointing out that there hasn’t been a liberal political candidate in recent memory who has garnered a substantial portion of the religious vote in this country. Regular church goers vote overwhelmingly Republican and the Democrats will have a hard time winning the White House until they attempt to change this.

I know you look sneeringly upon the reporters of Fox News as if they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that has infiltrated the perfectly unbiased world of the media. To you, Fox News is the right arm of the GOP, yet MSNBCBSABCNN and the New York Times and NPR and Newsweek and Time – they’re all just plain fair and balanced. No bias there, of course. I’ll leave you with a quote during the campaign by Evan Thomas of Newsweek, an unabashed member of the big media:

"There's one other base here: the media. Let's talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win. And I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards -- I'm talking about the establishment media, not Fox, but -- they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all, there's going to be this glow about them that some, is going to be worth, collectively, the two of them, that's going to be worth maybe 15 points."


At December 1, 2004 at 5:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Evans later re-estimated to 5 percent, but that was under pressure.

I'm more interested in what the heck programs our filthy liberal was watching. If you watch O'Reilly or Hannity or someone like that, then of course you get biased coverage. Those are TALK SHOWS.

Fox's news programs, however, are consistenly rated the most evenhanded by nonpartisan media groups.

At December 1, 2004 at 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Mahoney; you are getting worked!

At December 1, 2004 at 9:06 PM, Blogger ian said... got to be kidding me....suddenly Evan Thomas becomes the authoritative voice on big media and their bias. Evan Thomas said it, SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!! hahaha...That’s a joke, first he claims 15 points and then he retracts his statement saying only 5 points, kind of a big discrepancy don't you think??

Furthermore, GE, please feel free to post a single non-partisan survey of news coverage that has found FOX NEWS as the most balanced. I'm actually really curious to see what you’re talking about.

You guys are cracking me up today.

Oh, and one more thing GE, you should know me well enough to know I won't subject myslef to Hannity or O'liely. My previous comments are not refering to fox news opinion shows, they are referring to the Special Report with Brit Hume, and Fox news live, both of which fox news lables as "news programs".

At December 1, 2004 at 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



You forgot Brit Humorme...


And Sean Vannity!!!!!!!!!!


At December 1, 2004 at 10:27 PM, Blogger ian said...

Sean Vannity...I kind of like that one.

At December 9, 2004 at 5:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sparky, the Harvard study is available at


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