Friday, October 01, 2004

Advantage Kerry

Initial thoughts: Kerry cleaned up...

John Kerry spoke eloquently and succinctly in the first presidential debate last night.

It was the best performance I have seen him give as a candidate. If the early polls are any indication, I'm not alone in these sentiments.

CNN/USA Today/Gallup has
Kerry the winner 53%-37%.

ABC poll, debate viewers judged
Kerry the winner 45%-36%

A CBS poll of uncommitted voters shows
Kerry winning 43%-28%.

I thought the President did fine, but looked out matched. He looked confused and at times agitated.

Memo to Bush: The cameras are on you when Senator Kerry is speaking.

The ease with which Senator Kerry spoke on policy, was in stark contrast to the forced answers President Bush offered. Answers that were primarily a regurgitation of the same Republican talking points we've heard over the last few months.

Senator Kerry was forceful, polite, articulate and succeeded at appearing much more presidential that our current President.

He also methodically detailed the harshest indictment of the Iraq war I have heard from anyone.

My favorite moment in the debate: When Senator Kerry called Bush on implying that Iraq attacked us on 9-11. It’s about damn time.

Bush's crotchety reponse will be played on countless late night talk shows.

Summary: I thought Kerry performed marvelously, he was the clear winner. We have got ourselves a race.

And like I said I’m not alone in these sentiments,

Here is the
National Review's Jay Nordlinger: Not exactly known for his praise of Senator Kerry."I thought Kerry did very, very well; and I thought Bush did poorly -- much worse than he is capable of doing. Listen: If I were just a normal guy -- not Joe Political Junkie -- I would vote for Kerry. On the basis of that debate, I would. If I were just a normal, fairly conservative, war-supporting guy: I would vote for Kerry. On the basis of that debate."

So would I, and I’m going to.


At October 1, 2004 at 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The numbers from the polls you mention are fascinating. Although they clearly show that the respondents gave the edge in the debate to Kerry, it’s also evident from the internal poll numbers that the debate did not have a significant effect on the voters’ opinions of the candidates and how they intend to vote in November.

In the Gallup poll, Kerry had a 16% edge in the debate. But the internal numbers tell a different story:

Bush’s edge on who would best handle the War in Iraq was 11% after the debate, falling from 14%. A change, but not what you would expect if Kerry 'cleaned up' last night.

Likewise, the President’s edge on who would make the better Commander in Chief remained in double digits after the debate. These numbers also fell just 3%.

Meanwhile, according to the poll, the President’s performance in the debate bettered Kerry’s in the following categories:

Cares more about issues you care about: +3%
More believable: +5%
More likeable: +7%
Demonstrated is tough enough for the job: +17%

Meanwhile, in the ABC poll, Kerry won by 9%. However, Bush’s four point lead in the presidential race remained steady before and after the debate. No change, except that they both took a half point from Nader.

Clearly, these polls show that viewers felt Kerry expressed himself more clearly (+28% in the Gallup poll); in other words, they thought Kerry was the more eloquent debater. This may be true. Fortunately, we don’t elect presidents based on this fact.

According to the polls, Kerry may have “won” the contest last night, but did he make steady progress toward winning the ultimate contest on November 2nd?

If these polls are accurate, probably not.


At October 4, 2004 at 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to BB: Take foot out of mouth.

At October 5, 2004 at 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to anonymous:

Bush 51 - Kerry 46 in WashingtonPost/ABC post-deabte poll.

At October 5, 2004 at 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a post-debate Pew poll has Bush 48-41 among RVs.

At October 5, 2004 at 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a post-debate Pew poll has Bush 48-41 among RVs.

At October 5, 2004 at 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latest Rasmussen: Bush 49-45

At October 5, 2004 at 8:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You leftoids just can't figure out why people mention 9/11 when Iraq comes up, can you?

One more time:

9/11 made us all sit up and realize that we have to BELIEVE nuts in the Middle East when they threaten the U.S. It changed our whole mindset. Now instead of letting them rattle their sabers, we take them at their word when they say they want to destroy us, and we beat them to the punch. Bush pointed out that Kerry is still thinking like it's Sept. 10, which means that Kerry has not noticed that the way we handle our security has to change fundamentally. The sooner he and the rest of the Left can realize that, the sooner we can all get serious about protecting the country instead of parrotting glib criticisms in a power-mad attempt to unseat Bush.

Further, the DEMOCRATIC co-chair for the 9/11 Commission is on record saying that there were all sorts of connections between al Qaeda and Saddam.


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