Monday, September 20, 2004

Too little too late...

For all you conservatives out their that still give any credence to the Swift Boat Smears for George Bush, please read the following article written by Nicholas D. Kristof,

"Did Mr. Kerry get his first Purple Heart for a self-inflicted wound? That's the accusation of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who say that the injury came (unintentionally) from a grenade that Mr. Kerry himself fired at Viet Cong. In fact, nobody knows where the shrapnel came from, and it's possible that the critics are right. It's not certain that the Viet Cong were returning fire. But the only other American on the boat in a position to see anything, Bill Zaldonis (who says he voted for Mr. Bush in 2000) told me, "He was hurt, and I don't think it was self-inflicted."

Did Mr. Kerry deserve his second and third Purple Hearts? There's not much dispute that the second was merited. As for the third one, the Swift Boat Veterans' claim that he received it for a minor injury he got while blowing up food supplies to keep them from the enemy. But documents and witness accounts show that he received a shrapnel wound when South Vietnamese troops blew up rice stores, and an injured arm in a mine explosion later that day.

Did Mr. Kerry deserve his Bronze Star? Yes. The Swift Boat Veterans claim that he was not facing enemy fire when he rescued a Green Beret, Jim Rassmann, but that is contradicted by those were there, like William Rood and Mr. Rassmann (a Republican). In fact, Mr. Rassmann recommended Mr. Kerry for a Silver Star.

Did Mr. Kerry deserve his Silver Star? Absolutely. He earned it for responding to two separate ambushes in a courageous and unorthodox way, by heading straight into the gunfire. Then he pursued one armed fighter into the jungle and shot him dead. According to Fred Short, a machine gunner who saw the event, the fighter was an adult (not the half-naked teenager cited by the Swift Boat Veterans) who was preparing to launch a grenade at the boat. "Kerry went into harm's way to save the lives of the guys on the boat," Mr. Short told me. "If he hadn't done that, I am absolutely positive I would not be here today." Mr. Kerry's commander said he had wanted to give him an even higher honor, the Navy Cross, but thought it would take too long to process.

What do those who served with him say? Some who served on other boats have called Mr. Kerry a hypochondriac self-promoter. But every enlisted man who was with Mr. Kerry on various boats when he won Purple Hearts and Silver and Bronze Stars says he deserved them. All praise his courage and back his candidacy. "I was there for two of the Purple Hearts and the Bronze and Silver Stars, and he earned every one of them," said Delbert Sandusky, in a typical comment. "He saved our lives."

The bottom line? Mr. Kerry has stretched the truth here and there, but earned his decorations. And the Swift Boat Veterans, contradicted by official records and virtually everyone who witnessed the incidents, are engaging in one of the ugliest smears in modern U.S. politics."

The fact that it took Kristof months to decipher this is a bit disconcerting, better late then never I guess. I also think he is dead on in stating that this will go down as one of the trashiest smears in American politics.

But just in case anyone had any ligering doubts, please read the following Reuters release,

"The U.S. Navy (news - web sites) on Friday rejected a legal watchdog group's request to open an investigation into military awards given to Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry (news - web sites) during the Vietnam War, saying his medals were properly approved.

"Our examination found that existing documentation regarding the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart medals indicates the awards approval process was properly followed," the Navy's inspector general, Vice Admiral Ronald Route, said in a memo written to Navy Secretary Gordon England.

"In particular, the senior officers who awarded the medals were properly delegated authority to do so. In addition, we found that they correctly followed the procedures in place at the time for approving these awards."

Of course, this won't recieve half the press that all the smears got. It must be that damn liberal media.


At September 20, 2004 at 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicholas Kristof is a conservative?

So, when are you going to start quoting liberal columnist Sean Hannity for some balance??


At September 21, 2004 at 5:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, the Swift Boat Veterans have a lot of eyewitnesses too. And they include Democrats.

Your posturing article tries to finesse the phrase "served with John Kerry." The Swift Boat Vets have several members who served with John Kerry, but the article ignores that by saying they weren't on the same boat at the same time -- regardless of the fact that swift boats were deployed in groups.


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