Curious George
The Washington Monthy latest take on the Bush National Guard story...everyone read this for the facts.
"BUSH AND THE MEMOS....One of the reasons I'm annoyed by the whole Killian memo fiasco is that even if they're real they don't really add much to the story. After all, here's what we already know:
Former Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes pulled strings in 1968 to get George Bush into the National Guard so that he could avoid the draft. This isn't something Barnes just cooked up recently for Dan Rather, either. He testified under oath about it five years ago.
In early 1972, with two years still left on Bush's Guard commitment, something happened. Nobody knows what happened, but for some reason he started flying again in training jets that he had graduated from two years previously; he began putting in simulator time; he had trouble making landings; and in April 1972 he made his last flight. He then refused to take his required annual physical and was subsequently grounded.
In May 1972, Bush left for Alabama and disappeared from the Guard. He showed up for no drills for the next five months, and, contrary to White House statements, he never made up these missed drills.
Bush returned to Texas in late 1972, but in May 1973 his superior officers in Houston (one of whom was the now famous Jerry Killian) refused to rate Bush, saying he "has not been observed at this unit" for the past 12 months.
Oddly, though, official payroll records show that Bush was getting paid for attending drills during this period. The problem is that the payroll records documenting his attendance are completely screwy: Bush is credited for the wrong kind of attendance on some dates, he's given the wrong number of points for others, and weekday duty is frequently confused with weekend duty. What's more, even when you add all this up, Bush's attendance still didn't meet minimum National Guard standards.
The combination of these two things bears all the marks of someone backdating payroll records but doing a sloppy job. The likeliest explanation is that in mid-1973, after his superiors refused to rate him, someone pulled some strings and a bunch of payroll records were submitted for the previous year. However, the person who did it just checked off a few days for each month, instead of carefully making sure that the dates and duty types actually matched up the way they would if they were real.
In October 1973 Bush was discharged from the Texas ANG and moved to Boston to attend Harvard Business School. Although the Bush campaign said in 1999 that Bush transferred to a unit in Boston to finish up his service, they now admit that isn't true. Bush never signed up with a unit in Boston and never again attended drills.
There are plenty more reasons to be skeptical about Bush's National Guard service, but leave those aside for the moment. What we know for sure is that Bush began having problems flying in 1972; refused his physical; was grounded; disappeared for five months; probably disappeared for an entire year; failed to sign up with a unit in Boston for his final year of service; and got an honorable discharge anyway.
And he's never come clean about it. We don't need CBS's memos to remind us of that. We already knew it."
For anyone who disagree's with the stated facts, read the links and check the sources!!!
Wait a minute. Issues and posts for left-wing propagandists aside.
Aren't you the same Ian Mahoney who had been saying that he wished everyone on both sides would stop talking about Vietnam-era military service and concentrate on the issues at hand?
Oh, but that was during the Swift Boat ads and when Kerry had a slight lead. Now that your guy's way down in the polls you have to go negative to catch up.
And are you the same Ian Mahoney that claimed that the Swift Boat veterans were nothing but political hacks??
But now you highlight an article featuring Ben Barnes...
Ben Barnes Is Kerry Campaign Vice-Chair, Raising Over $100,000 For Campaign. (Kerry For President Website,, Accessed 9/4/04)
Barnes Considers John Kerry Close Personal Friend. "Barnes, a government consultant with offices in Austin, Chicago and Washington, said: 'I'm just an enthusiastic participant' who considers as personal friends Corzine, Daschle and Kerry, whom he got to know during summer vacations in Nantucket." (W. Gardner Selby, "Texas' Last 'Old Lion' Still On Prowl For Funds," San Antonio Express-Texas, 7/30/04)
"Texans For Kerry" Website Links To Barnes Video. (Texans For Kerry Website,, Accessed 9/7/04)
Barnes Is Considered "A Definite In" In Kerry Administration. "[Barnes has] known Kerry since the 1980s. 'I don't know who's going to be in and who's going to be out' of a possible Kerry administration, Barnes said. 'But John Kerry has been sympathetic to Texas in the past. ... I would expect him to listen to our problems if he's in the White House.' Barnes is a definite in, though he says he'll keep working as a lobbyist based in Austin." (Jay Root, "Texas Democrats Are Waiting In The Wings," Fort Worth Star Telegram, 7/31/04)
So, let me get this straight, 250+ Swift Boat veterans are all political hacks, but Ben Barnes is just a guy who wants to set the record straight on George W. Bush's National Guard Service? Right.
Why don't you guys try disputing some of the facts I presented, instead of attacking me?
Then we'll talk? Good luck fellas...
It might make you look a little less desperate.
The plain and simple truth is Bush got preferential treatment and avoided service in Vietnam while John Kerry volunteered for it. Case closed.
My point in this specific post, was to show that the current scandal surrounding Dan Rather has no bearing on whether or not Bush actually fulfilled his national guard commitment. NONE!
And yes, I do wish we could all stop talking about Vietnam. But it’s not like I frame the news, or have any control over what’s covered. I simply offer my opinion of it. Will I continue to comment on media coverage, or scandals, or whatever the media jams down our throat, you bet.
Did I suddenly stop commenting on the swift boat vets scandal?? Why would I treat this any differently?
Ok. I thought most educated people already knew the truth, but I can continue to rehash things for you.
First, Barnes is thoroughly discredited as a source for the reason that Bill stated. In addition, his daughter has said on several occasions that her father is lying and had planned to lie. In addition, Barnes has testified under oath that the Bush family never pressured him.
Second, the fellow who is supposed to have pressured Killian to sanitize Bush's records, General Staudt, has denied that he ever did such a thing. In addition, the memos used to even CLAIM that Staud pressured someone are frauds.
Third, even Barnes himself said that payroll records would be adequate proof of Bush's activities. You can cite lefty websites all you wish, but the records are there, and until you can show that they are false....
Did Bush miss a physical? I don't agree that the evidence is conclusive. But even if they were: So what? Are we to believe that missing a physical -- or, heck, even a couple of Guard drills -- is worse than committing war crimes, witnessing them without reporting them up the chain of command, and accusing other Vietnam veterans blanketly of doing the same?
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