RNC Summary
Initial thoughts:
If I have time today, I’m going to tear through all the lies and half-truths that were stated last night about Senator Kerry's record. Two off the top of my head.
1. Cheney's claim that Senator Kerry would only approve force if the United Nations approved the use is patently false. If Cheney had watched Kerry's acceptance speech or any other speech Kerry has given on national security, he would have seen Senator Kerry explicitly state the exact opposite of what the Vice-President was indicating.
2. Cheney's claim that Kerry will only use force after we are attacked, once again DICK, you might want to read over any one of Senator Kerry's stump speeches or his DNC speech. THEY ALL STATE THE OPPOSITE.
Plenty more where that came from.
Even though Cheney's speech was filled with inaccuracies, his delivery and much of the text will be very effective. I find fault with his substance, but as a political tool, his speech was first rate.
ZELL.....where do i even start. hahaha...Remember when everyone said the Democratic convention would be hate filled, nasty, and angry. Well they got an angry Democrat alright, but he happens to be the keynote speaker for the Republican National Convention. Who coincidentally challenged Chris Mathews to a duel last night on national television. After watching two interviews with Miller last night, I have come to the conclusion that he is 100% completely off his rocker. He's lost it.... MORE ON ALL THIS LATER! I will also try and find a link to the interviews so you can judge for yourself.
ONE MORE THING! Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough made a great point on Hardball last night, that this Republican convention is ALL about John Kerry, not about the achievements of this administration. Could Dick Cheney even list one domestic achievement that this administration has accomplished in the last four years?? ONE!!! All the speakers have done is attack John Kerry and speculate on how he will LOSE the war on terror. Republicans have realized that they have such an abysmal record governing that their only chance to defeat Kerry is to distort his record and attack his character. Cheney, Miller, and unfortunately even Giuliani stooped to this level. What about an agenda for the next four years????????? NOTHING!!!! The Republicans have offered 0....a big donut. It amazes me, simply amazes me. So far this convention has been what everyone feared the Democratic Convention would be, ONE BIG HATE FEST!!!
Its days like this, that I am so proud to be a Democrat.
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