Flip the Switch...
Robot Dick Cheney's switch was turned to attack mode yesterday as he responded to a phrase in Senator John Kerry's acceptance speech, "A 'sensitive war' will not destroy the evil men who killed 3,000 Americans...America has been in too many wars for any of our wishes, but not a one of them was won by being sensitive..."
Clearly our Vice-President doesn't fully grasp the definition of the word "sensitive".
So I looked it up for him and here is what the dictionary had to say,
sen·si·tive (sen'si-tiv)adj.- Reacting readily to external agents or forces.
I guess Dick Cheney doesn't want us to react readily to terrorsim, maybe that's why we went to war with Iraq?? Just a thought.....
UPDATE: Here's a quote from George W. Bush on 3/4/01...
"We help fulfill that promise not by lecturing the world, but by leading it. Precisely because America is powerful, we must be sensitive about expressing our power and influence. Our goal is to patiently build the momentum of freedom, not create resentment for America itself. We pursue our goals, we will listen to others. We want strong friends to join us, not weak neighbors to dominate. In all our dealings with other nations, we will display the modesty of true confidence and strength."
Here's a quote from Donald Rumsfeld on 2/5/03,
"we have to be sensitive, to the extent the world thinks the United States is focused on the problems in Iraq, it's conceivable that someone could make a mistake and believe that that's an opportunity for them to take an action which they otherwise would have avoided."
Here's a quote from Donald on 7/9/03
He said U.S. commanders are "sensitive to the importance of troops knowing what the rotation plan will be so they have some degree of certainty in their lives. And [they] are sensitive to the importance of the quality of their lives."
Here's a quote from Richard Meyers on 1/7/03
He said "We are, I think, very culturally sensitive." On 1/7/03, Myers touted the Army's ability to be "sensitive." He said "we can ask of our troops to go out there and be, on the one hand, very sensitive to cultural issues, on the other hand, be ready to respond in self-defense to a very ticklish situation, all at the same time."
Here's a quote from John Ashcroft on 4/28/03.
Just a month after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Ashcroft said, "The United States is very sensitive about interfering in the internal politics of other countries."
On 3/20/02, he said the Justice Department was making sure to be "sensitive" in hunting down terrorists. He said, "The agents and officers who conducted the interviews did so in a sensitive manner, showing full respect for the rights and dignity of the individuals being interviewed."
Their hypocrisy truly knows no limits.....
Sensitive can also be defined as "quick to take offense." Maybe that is what Kerry meant. If you are going to split hairs, in regards to the definition of the meaning Kerry intended when using the term 'sensitive', than his statement could be interpreted a thousand different ways. I think its fairly obvious the point he was trying to make and it had nothing to do with "reacting readily."
Yeah you're right, I'm sure he meant that he's going to fight a more "girly man" war on terror. Gimme a break!!! READ THE WHOLE QUOTE!!!!
-Liberal Weenie
HA! Their hypocrisy knows no limits! What about the limitless irrelevancy of the aforementioned quote by the President.
If you check the date, you'll find it was made during a time of PEACE!
Kerry, meanwhile, was talking about using sensitivity while FIGHTING the war on terror!!
I think there may be a slight difference.
Bill, do you wish to retract your last comment?
Not really.
You did a clever job of googling "sensitive" and "Bush Administration official" - but you forgot to make sure that the context was correct. These were nice quotes about being "culturally sensitive" and "sensitive" about troop rotations and interrogations. Nothing wrong with that, of course.
The key is that none of the quotes referred to America "fighting" a "more sensitive" War on Terror.
Frankly, I don't think the American people want us to fight a more sensitive War on Terror. Sensitivity tends not to work with fanatical mass murderers.
Judging by the outcry from Kerry-supporters, I think they agree. If not, I urge them to continue touting their Commander-in-Chief candidate as "the sensitive one" in this election.
Bill, if you don’t think being sensitive to other countries political enviorments and cultures is an intregral part of the fight in the war on terror, then I have nothing more to say on this matter.
Furthermore, if you don’t think troop rotation and interogations are intregal parts of the wider war on terror then I have nothing more to say.
And lastly if you think John Kerry’s comments were directly referring to the physical act of combat in the fight against terror, then I have nothing more to say.
Do you really think he was saying we need to be more sensitive to the terrorists before we kill them?? Can you even say that with a straight face?
The actual quote states a, “more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side.”
He’s referring to a more “sensitive” diplomatic effort to strengthen alliances rather then alienate them.
All I know is that John F. Kerry claims he would fight a more sensitive War on Terror than George W. Bush has over the past three years. Throughout history, the victors in war have been known not for their sensitivity, but for their strength and toughness. I'd love Mr. Kerry to continue to tell the American people about his plans for a 'more sensitive' war because I believe that's exactly what he would do as President. Unfortunately, I suspect Kerry's handlers will make sure this verbiage is axed before it does him more
political damage.
All I know is that John F. Kerry claims he would fight a more sensitive War on Terror than George W. Bush has over the past three years. Throughout history, the victors in war have been known not for their sensitivity, but for their strength and toughness. I'd love Mr. Kerry to continue to tell the American people about his plans for a 'more sensitive' war because I believe that's exactly what he would do as President. Unfortunately, I suspect Kerry's handlers will make sure this verbiage is axed before it does him more
political damage.
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