Wednesday, August 11, 2004

King Ralph

A New Hampshire firm with long established ties to the Republican party was hiring paid temp workers to collect signatures for Nader last week.

This telling account from Emily Sawka shows the depths to which the Bush administration will sink to get Ralph Nader on the ballot.

"one of the workers said she was hired to collect Nader signatures through Adecco, a temp agency with a Portsmouth office. The worker, Emily Sawka, of Kittery, Maine, refused after learning the drive targeted Bush supporters who would want the third-party candidate to take votes from Kerry.

Sawka said workers were given a script entitled "Talking Tips," in which they were to attract signers by telling them, "Without Nader, Bush would not be president." If signers asked who was paying the workers, the script’s response was: "Nader’s campaign pays .75 cents a signature."

Notice the play on words, "Nader's campaign pays .75 cents", slying avoiding the question at hand. Had they answered honestly it might have sounded somthing like this

"Oh actually we were hired by Republicans who will stop at nothing to defeat John Kerry in 2004, they don't think they can beat him unless Ralph Nader is on the ballot, please sign here....."

So now Republicans are intentionally misleading people into thinking they are signing a petition with Ralph Nader supporters rather then Republican hacks. This has no place in American politics.


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