Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Here's how Republican talking heads have been presenting the authors of the Swift Boat Veterans for &*%$ as non-partisan.

My least favorite journalist Bob Novak had this to say,

"There's a new book out called Unfit for Command about his [Kerry's] record. I've read it all. It's coming out it'll be published soon. It is a shocking presentation of Senator Kerry's record. I just couldn't believe some of the things in there -- very carefully documented.
Margaret, these are not partisan Republicans. They're not Republicans at all."

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sure Bob sure....

Here's Washington Times Op-ed contributor Tony Blankley on Corsi,

"The co-author, Jerome Corsi, is not a political hack, but a college friend of Mr. O'Neill, with a Ph.D. from Harvard and a distinguished writing career."

Distinguished writing career indeed!!!

For anyone who doesn't know O'Neill's
links to the GOP go back to his days as a "protégé of Nixon-era dirty trickster Charles Colson."

It doesn't get any more partisan than these two hacks!!!!!!!


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