Monday, July 19, 2004

Republicans for Nader

The Washington Post is reporting this morning that, 

"The Michigan Republican Party submitted more than 40,000 signatures last week in a bid to get independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader on the state's November ballot.  Of course, this is not really about helping Nader. It is all about helping President Bush and hurting Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry's campaign in a closely contested state...
...Nader's campaign, assuming that he would run with the Reform Party there, stopped collecting signatures more than a month ago -- and turned in fewer than 6,000 of them by Thursday's deadline. He needed about 30,000 valid signatures to qualify as an independent.
Nader spokesman Kevin Zeese said the campaign still hopes to run with the state's Reform Party. But he said it may have to use the Republican-sponsored signatures: "We have to get on the ballot somehow."
To paraphrase, Nader would not have been on the ballot in Michigan had it not been for his amigos in the Republican party who took it upon themselves to ensure a third party candidate.  Why would they do something like that?
A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush plain and simple.


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