Friday, July 16, 2004

Bin Laden for Kerry!

According to Hill columnist Josh Marshal, the Louisville Republican Party Office is handing out signs and bumper stickers that read "Kerry is bin Laden's Man/Bush is My Man."
Marhsal states, "I put in a call to the head of the Jefferson County Republicans, Jack Richardon IV and asked him if this were true.   Richardson told me that he'd seen a bumper sticker with that phrase on it and agreed with it heartily.
"I believe that if you look at John Kerry's voting record in the senate," he told me, "why wouldn't bin Laden prefer Kerry over Bush?"

When I pressed Richardson on whether or not his party organization was distributing it, he acknowledged that they probably were handing it out on their campaign literature tables at recent events. And if it was being handed out, "I make no apologies for it."

Richardson went on. "Why wouldn't Kerry be bin Laden's man? Bush certainly isn't bin Laden's man."
Indeed, why wouldn't Kerry be Bin Laden's man?


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