Thursday, July 01, 2004

Polls Polls and more Polls

Here is some interesting date from the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.

The American public, by more than 3:1, thinks that US involvement in Iraq is creating more terrorists who are planning to attack the US (55 percent), rather than less (17 percent).

Similarly, by about 4:1, the American public thinks that US military action against Iraq has increased (47 percent) rather than decreased (13 percent) the threat of terrorism against the US.

Damn, the American people are really catching on.


At July 1, 2004 at 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, polls are kind of funny because the American people also reveal...

Which candidate do you think would do a better job of protecting the United States from terrorist attacks -- George W. Bush or John Kerry? (Fox News/Opinion Dyanmics poll - 6/25)

Bush 49%
Kerry 28%

And, just in case you need verification (CNN/Gallup/ USA Today - 6/25)...

Regardless of which presidential candidate you support, do you think John Kerry or George W. Bush would better handle each of the following issues?

Kerry 40%
Bush 54
Same (vol.) 1
No opinion 5

It's obvious these polls got a much more intelligent sample!



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