This is absolutely hilarious, our friends at fox news actually gave Michael Moore's new film, Fahrenheit 9-11, a positive review. I not for yourself.
"It turns out to be a really brilliant piece of work, and a film that members of all political parties should see without fail.
As much as some might try to marginalize this film as a screed against President George Bush, "F9/11" as we saw last night is a tribute to patriotism, to the American sense of duty and at the same time a indictment of stupidity and avarice.
Readers of this column may recall that I had a lot of problems with Moore's "Bowling for Columbine," particularly where I thought he took gratuitous shots at helpless targets such as Charlton Heston. "Columbine" too easily succeeded by shooting fish in a barrel, as they used to say. Not so with "F9/11," which instead relies on lots of film footage and actual interviews to make its case against the war in Iraq and tell the story of the intertwining histories of the Bush and bin Laden families...
But, really, in the end, not seeing "F9/11" would be like allowing your First Amendment rights to be abrogated, no matter whether you're a Republican or a Democrat.
The film does Bush no favors, that's for sure, but it also finds an unexpectedly poignant and universal groove in the story of Lila Lipscombe, a Flint, Mich., mother who sends her kids into the Army for the opportunities it can provide just like the commercials say and lives to regret it..."
A select group of conservatives have been fighting the release of this film every step of the way....well to those people I would say this,
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
ITS THE FIRST AMENDMENT PEOPLE!!! Our country was founded on IT!!!!! These conservatives have a right to protest the film, Michael Moore has a right to make it. But they do not have a right to block it from the American public.
Disney's Michael Eisner is a clown.
Michael Eisner is a clown for making a decision, as President of a corporation, not to produce/distribute a certain product??
Now, you may think that he was completely wrong for not wanting to distribute Moore's French award winning film, but certainly this was his right. IT'S HIS COMPANY!!!
Of course, Moore has every right to sell his propaganda - no question about it - but I bet you cannot name one conservative leader who would tell you any diferently. They may protest it and tell people not to support it, but they certainly don't think it should be banned.
And it is beyond ridiculous to suggest that Eisner is somehow violating Moore's constitutional rights by exercising his own and choosing to not sell his product! Now that's clownlike!
Michael Eisner is a clown for making a decision, as President of a corporation, not to produce/distribute a certain product??
EXACTLY RIGHT!!! DO you know how much money he is going to lose out on....F/H 9-11 is going to make MILLIONS on top of Millions!!!But you misinterpreted what I wrote. I never said Eisner was violating Moore's consitutional rights, as the President of a corporation he is certainly within his rights to deny the release of a movie he deems unsuitable. I think he's a clown for other reasons.
1. It reflects poorly upon his company and has been wideley regarded as corporate self-censorship.
2. It's going to cost him and Disney a boat load of coin.
What I said was that those conservatives who have been trying to surpress F/H 9-11 were ignoring the 1st amendment.
Yes, Disney will miss out on the meager box office receipts that Moore's film will garner. But the company would also face the prospect of tarnishing its image by distributing a piece of political propaganda. Believe it or not - some executives might not necessarily think that Moore's "film" will reflect well on their company. By releasing "Farenheit 9/11" Disney would likely face a corresponding loss that would trounce the money made by a movie that will primarily be viewed by the fun-loving folks at
And again I ask you to name me a SINGLE conservative leader who would suggest that Moore's film should be banned. While many might urge folks not to watch Moore's work, NONE would suggest that we throw away the first amendment because a crazy left winger wants to tell a fictional story and pass it off as a documentary.
I'll leave you with Christopher Hitchens' (editor of the liberal mag The Nation) thoughts on 'Farenheit'...
"To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of "dissenting" bravery."
Maybe Michael Eisner had the right idea.
BILL!! First off, Christopher Hitchens is neither an editor nor does he work for the liberal mag The Nation. He is a conservative columnist for Vanity Fair. His articles are occasionally posted on to provide balance.
Furthermore, I stated a SELECT group of conservatives advocated banning the movie, not the conservative leadership. Both on CNN and MSNBC I personally observed people from various groups, including "move america" stating that F/H 9-11 should not be realeased and should be governed by FEC regulations becuase it is political propoganda.
I also personally heard Rush Limbaugh commend a young teenage girl for her campaign to try and ensure the movie gets limited showings nationwide.
Bill, what I'm saying is this, if you don't want to go see the movie that's fine, that's your choice. But actively engaging in efforts to censor this movie from other people is an infringement upon free speech.
Hardly suprising that a group of conservatives would try to mute such a libral leaning piece of work, but who can blame them for looking out for their own interests. Its no different than the libral NY concert promoter who is trying to mute the Republican National Convention by staging a Springstein/Bob Dylan 'Concert for A Change' at the same time. Its hardly clownlike and its nice to know that sometimes viewpoints are more valuable than money. No first ammendment issue here.
Unbelievable though that such an objective report surfaced from Fox about such a liberal-leaning work. Reports like this from Fox are as memorable as the 17 year cicadas!
Frist off, great post by Wheelnutz.
Second, Mahoney, Chrisotpher Hitchens penned a column last week entitled "The Stupidity of Ronald Reagan."
Hitchens is more of a maverick liberal (even thought what that Clinton lying was reprehensible) and perhaps I should have added 'former' contribtor to The Nation - he wrote there for many years. But to say he's a conservative is truly funny.
Finally, here is what Move America Forward says on their website bout Moore:
"Last week we asked Americans who found in Moore’s movie “Fahrenheit 9/11” an attempt to undermine the war on terror, to let movie theater operators know about their objections. Think about it… If you walked into a Wal Mart store and saw they were selling merchandise that attacked the military, our troops and America’s battle against Islamic terrorism, wouldn’t you complain to the store manager or write a letter and ask that they not sell that product because it was undermining our national effort?
This is an atempt to 'ban' it???
Letting their objections be known through letters!?!
Wouldn't that be their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT - or does that only apply to liberal filmmakers?
Bill, here is another example.
"A conservative advocacy group says Michael Moore's Bush-bashing movie Farenheit 911 violates federal election law, and on Wednesday, the group is taking its complaint straight to the doorstep of the Federal Election Commission.
David N. Bossie, president of Citizens United, said he will hold a press conference at 10:30 a.m. today to release details of the complaint and explain which laws were broken."
"...he will demand that the commission take some sort of unspecified action to regulate the screening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" -- presumably because of the anti-Bush documentary's power to influence the coming presidential election. "Documents will be hand delivered to several government agencies immediately following the media briefing," the group's press release soberly states.”
I agree that Move America forward does have the constitutional right to write threatening letters to movie theatres all they want however; their ultimate goal is still to subvert free speech.
And yes, writing harassing letters to movie theaters to convince them not to show a movie is a lowly attempt to try and ban the showing of the film. What else would you call it??
Courtesy of,
“No theaters have canceled showings of "Fahrenheit" at this point. And the MAF group doesn't seem to have had the most useful intelligence in its campaign. A lowly theater payroll employee inexplicably listed on MAF's e-mail list of "leading movie executives" is confused about how he became a central front in the War on Moore (he did not wish to be identified). As he sat in his office Friday, messages pinged into his in box. Dryly, he read aloud his favorites: "'I will never see a movie again' ... 'I will not support a business that aids a piece of crap sub-human like Moore in spreading his anti-American bullshit ...'"
At least the letters are cordial.
Has Anyone seen the movie?
- Raj
I just found out that the head of Move America Forward, hasn't actually seen the movie yet, but he's trying to get movie theatre's to stop showing it...hahaha....Unbelievable!!!!!
The movie is the subject of an FEC complaint made by the people who argued that the campaign finance reform bill was an infringement of 1st amendment rights. It specifically says that no image of a candidate can be shown on television within a certain period before an election except by certain groups. Moore's movie is certainly not one of those groups.
Oh, and check the SCOTUS voting records before you decry this as a right-wing manuever.
BTW, Fox's Roger Friedmen is a liberal. As are other Fox commentators.
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