The Official Statement
Diplomats and Military Leaders for Change:
"The undersigned have held positions of responsibility for the planning and execution of American foreign and defense policy. Collectively, we have served every president since Harry S. Truman. Some of us are Democrats, some are Republicans or Independents, many voted for George W. Bush. But we all believe that current Administration policies have failed in the primary responsibilities of preserving national security and providing world leadership. Serious issues are at stake. We need a change.
From the outset, President George W. Bush adopted an overbearing approach to AmericaÂs role in the world, relying upon military might and righteousness, insensitive to the concerns of traditional friends and allies, and disdainful of the United Nations. Instead of building upon AmericaÂs great economic and moral strength to lead other nations in a coordinated campaign to address the causes of terrorism and to stifle its resources, the Administration, motivated more by ideology than by reasoned analysis, struck out on its own. It led the United States into an ill-planned and costly war from which exit is uncertain. It justified the invasion of Iraq by manipulation of uncertain intelligence about weapons of mass destruction, and by a cynical campaign to persuade the public that Saddam Hussein was linked to Al Qaeda and the attacks of September 11. The evidence did not support this argument.
Our security has been weakened. While American airmen and women, marines, soldiers and sailors have performed gallantly, our armed forces were not prepared for military occupation and nation building. Public opinion polls throughout the world report hostility toward us. Muslim youth are turning to anti-American terrorism. Never in the two and a quarter centuries of our history has the United States been so isolated among the nations, so broadly feared and distrusted. No loyal American would question our ultimate right to act alone in our national interest; but responsible leadership would not turn to unilateral military action before diplomacy had been thoroughly explored.
The United States suffers from close identification with autocratic regimes in the Muslim world, and from the perception of unquestioning support for the policies and actions of the present Israeli Government. To enhance credibility with Islamic peoples we must pursue courageous, energetic and balanced efforts to establish peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and policies that encourage responsible democratic reforms.
We face profound challenges in the 21st Century: proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, unequal distribution of wealth and the fruits of globalization, terrorism, environmental degradation, population growth in the developing world, HIV/AIDS, ethnic and religious confrontations. Such problems can not be resolved by military force, nor by the sole remaining superpower alone; they demand patient, coordinated global effort under the leadership of the United States.
The Bush Administration has shown that it does not grasp these circumstances of the new era, and is not able to rise to the responsibilities of world leadership in either style or substance. It is time for a change."
I'm sure republicans will attack these brave men as partisan hacks, but listen to their credentials.....
"Among the retired officials signing the statement were Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Ronald Reagan and U.S. ambassador to the Court of St. James's under President Bill Clinton, and Marine Gen. Joseph P. Hoar, named by President George H.W. Bush to lead U.S. forces in the Middle East.
The participants also include a pair of former ambassadors to the Soviet Union, two former ambassadors to Israel, two former ambassadors to Pakistan and a former director of the CIA."
A significant number of these men have voted Republican several times in the last 20 years.
"Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, speaking to al-Jazeera, rejected the criticism as a political act. He said the signers, most of whom he knows personally, "made it clear what they wish to see -- they wish to see President Bush not reelected."
Really!!!! Is that why they released this statement in the middle of an election year!!!!!! YOUR KIDDING ME....the nerve...Of course they don't want to see Bush re-elected that's the FREAKIN POINT!!!
They want what they beleive is right for their country....Does this make them simply political...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
So, wait, let me get this straight. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of men and women who served in recent Republican and Democrat Administrations as high level diplomats or military commanders - there are some that actually think that President Bush should NOT be reelected??????!!!!!!
What is this, a democracy or something?
How the hell is this news?! If there was a list of military commanders who enthusiastically endorsed President Bush for reelection, the number would be infinitely times higher than 26!
I guess this would not be news, however, because everyone expects that.
Incidentally, I'd be interested to hear why you think, as posted in your blog in May, that the Swiftboat Veterans who served in Vietnam with John Kerry and spoke out against his lack of 'fitness for office' shouldn't be taken seriously because they weren't on the same exact boat as JFKerry; meanwhile, these "leaders for change" are somehow legitimate purveyors of truth and great wisdom about George W. Bush.
Very interested...
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