Kerry's Military Record
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. The National Review, which claimed any attempt to question President Bush's patriotism by investigating his military record, was completely unfounded and partisan in nature because he received an honorable discharge, is now questioning the first Purple Heart John Kerry was awarded in Vietnam.
Let me get this straight, its not ok to inquire about a six month absence in the National Guard, one in which the President skipped his annual physical and was ordered off flight status, but its perfectly ok to inquire about a decorated Vietnam veterans long and distinguished list of medals?? Its not like that is partisan in nature.......YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!
Here's an excerpt from John Kerry's military record.
"Intelligent, mature and rich in educational background and experience, Ens Kerry is one of the finest young officers I have ever met and without question one of the most promising," wrote Capt. Allen Slifer, Kerry's supervisor aboard the USS Gridley.
For any inquiring minds here's is how John Kerry achieved all those awards:
"On Feb. 28, 1969, Kerry's craft and two other boats came under heavy fire from the riverbanks. Kerry ordered his units to turn into the ambush and sent men ashore to charge the enemy. According to the records, an enemy soldier holding a loaded rocket launcher sprang up within 10 feet of Kerry's boat and fled. Kerry leapt ashore, ran down the man and killed him.
Kerry and his men chased or killed all the enemy soldiers in the area, captured enemy weapons and then returned to the boat only to come under fire from the opposite bank as they began to pull away. Kerry again beached his boat and led a party ashore to pursue the enemy, and they successfully silenced the shooting. Later, the boats were again under fire, but Kerry initiated a heavy response that killed 10 Viet Cong and wounded another with no casualties to his own men.
He won the Silver Star "for gallantry and intrepidity in action" that day. Two weeks later, Kerry was engaged in another fire fight that resulted in a Bronze Star for heroic achievement and the third Purple Heart that would result in his reassignment out of Vietnam."
"He was recommended for early promotion, and when he left the Navy in 1970 to run for Congress, his commanding officer said it was the Navy's loss."
Quick tip for the Republican attack machine. You might want to avoid a comparison between the two candidates military records.
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