Wednesday, April 21, 2004

"Supporting the troops"

Even Republicans are outraged at Bush's "say one thing, do another" policies which have repeatedly hindered America's efforts to bring peace and stability to Iraq.

The Washington Post is reporting today that:

"Intense combat in Iraq is chewing up military hardware and consuming money at an unexpectedly rapid rate...

Since Congress approved an $87 billion defense request last year, the administration has steadfastly maintained that military forces in Iraq will be sufficiently funded until early next year.

But military officials, defense contractors and members of Congress say that worsening U.S. fortunes in Iraq have dramatically changed the equation and more money will be needed soon.

Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.), vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, charged that the president is playing political games by postponing further funding requests until after the election, to try to avoid reopening debate on the war's cost and future.

Weldon described the administration's current defense budget request as "outrageous" and "immoral" and said that at least $10 billion is needed for Iraqi operations over the next five months.

"There needs to be a supplemental, whether it's a presidential election year or not," he said. "The support of our troops has to be the number one priority of this country. . . . Somebody's got to get serious about this.""

It absolutely infuriates me, when republican blowhards like Sean Hannity accuse Ted Kennedy of not supporting the troops, (Kennedy said, "Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam) but remain silent when their Commander in Chief plays politics with funding that is vital to the safety and security of our troops.

This incessant bullshit Republicans keep spewing about “supporting the troops” needs to stop. There are many ways in which we as civilians can support the troops, i.e. purchasing phone cards so soldiers can talk to loved ones, giving a donation to the Army Emergency Relief Fund, or even volunteering at Veteran’s Hospitals, BUT NONE OF THEM INCLUDE THE UNEQUIVOCAL SUPPORT OF THE PRESIDENT!! Whether it be a Democrat or a Republican residing in the oval office.

To opine that citizens are somehow failing to support the troops, if they criticize the president during wartime is foolish and completely misguided. Challenging the direction of your government when you believe it to be wrong, IS THE BEST WAY TO SUPPORT YOUR COUNTRY AND THE TROOPS WHO DEFEND IT! The cornerstone of democracy is the ability to voice dissent. If one believes our nation’s leaders are wrong we can hold them accountable and force a change. Blind Allegiance is not support, its idiocy. Supporting your country and the brave men and women who defend it, is far more complex then simply agreeing with those in power.

If you would like to show your support for the troops go to this website.


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