Big Al tells it like it is....
Alec Massey's guest commentary on the economic state of our Union.
Reference: Tax Cuts and Job Growth
These statistics are not surprising – when considered with this administration’s economic record. The Bush team has demonstrated nothing but complete ineptitude when it comes to the economy. There is no denying that peak and trough economic cycles exist and cannot be avoided. Yet, it is the administration’s role (along with Greenspan&Co.), to expand the peaks in duration while shortening the troughs. Yet this administration has done the exact opposite. This economy has sat at or near trough conditions for the entirety of Bush’s presidency! Their tax cuts, passed in three consecutive years, have had almost zero positive effect. The economic trough lasted significantly longer than the average of the 5 previous recessions – check if you want to do your own research. Now, finally, after three attempts, meager process is being made. But this progress is coming at the expense of many social programs and has thrown fiscal responsibility out the window.
Liberals should spend more time focusing on the failures of this administration’s tax policies than they do. These “help the rich” tax policies are not growing our economy. My goodness, it’s taken 3 HUGE tax cuts to generate any economic response – paltry as it may be. A college economics student could get some economic progress when choosing three successive gigantic tax cuts. I’d hope that student would consider the tradeoffs with social programs and the deficit though – unlike this President and his advisors. It’s time to let liberals take a shot at the economy – they surely can’t do any worse.
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