Not the First time
In August of 1997, on the now infamous "Drudge Report", Matt drudge reported as fact that Sidney Blumenthal, an adviser to President Clinton, was hiding police records of domestic violence. Hours after Drudge reported the story, conservative media across the country began to run with it. Drudge later admitted that Republican operatives had given him the bogus story in hopes of smearing the new Clinton adviser.
Update: Apparently in Drudge's latest sleaze campaign against Senator John Kerrry, he got some of the facts wrong. Big Surprise. This according to New Republic's reporter, Ryan Lizza, who actually attended the off the record session with Gen. Wesley Clark. "I was there when Clark spoke, and just to make sure I didn't miss anything, I've also checked with other reporters who were there. Since it was off the record (sort of), I can't get into what Clark actually said, but I can report that the quote Drudge attributes to him--"Kerry will implode over an intern issue"--is not accurate. He never said that."
That Matt Drudge just can't seem to get anything right.
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